Self-Love: The Sacred Seed of Your Expansion


The foundation of my sacred work, my divine service in the world, is Love. Through my own personal journey of healing and awakening over many years, I eventually came to the realization that the most foundational aspect of this path was learning to love myself. I saw that wholeness is birthed from the seed of Self-Love. I saw that my ability to be aligned with my purpose and to be in greatest service to others was rooted in the Love I had within myself.

Everything that I have learned about this journey of aligning with Love is what I offer in sacred service to others. Many years ago, I began my deep dive into juice fasting and healing through foods, it was an expression of Self-Love and the care for my body. The journey with juices effortlessly turned into a powerful vehicle for helping people in their own journey of Self-Love by making juices for others and guiding them in their own cleansing experiences.

My offerings have evolved as my journey evolves, and it reflects the expansion of Love within myself.

I always speak to the importance of Self-Love, and this weekend I am sharing an in-depth ceremonial experience of Sacred Self-Love with an intimate group of open-hearted souls. So this feels to be an aligned time to share with you some reflections on that which is the very core of my work:


Self-Love is the ability to love who you are, fully and completely.

Self-Love is loving who you are in this present moment just as you are.

Self-Love is loving all aspects of who you are past/present/future, the full spectrum of your unique soul expression from the shadows into the light and all that’s in between.

It is a journey to witness how we engage with self-talk and notice the places in which we are not loving towards ourselves. It is a journey to continuously practice and strengthen loving relationship with ourselves. It is a journey to prioritize this Love above all other external sources of love.

It is a journey to awaken to the truth that in loving yourself first and foremost, you intrinsically give the greatest love to everyone around you.

Self-Love is the embodiment of the Love that always dwells within you.

Self-Love is the knowing you are always loved and that you are this Love.

Self-Love is being in alignment with the truth of your heart.

When we fall into a disconnected relationship to our truth is where negative self-talk and daily choices arise. When we remember the Love that is the core of our essence, we are able to move through life from an aligned state, empowered and guided by our heart’s truth.

When you truly love yourself, you are able to make choices that bring blessings and joy to your daily life. You are able to nourish yourself lovingly, you surround yourself in loving environments and spend your time with loving people. Guided by your loving heart you are able to walk your true authentic path.

The embodiment of Self-Love is a gift of infinite energetics and its impact extends far beyond your awareness.


When we awaken to the Love within, we are able to see the Love in others. Regardless of externalized circumstances or expressions, the aligned loving heart recognizes the Love that each person carries within, even if the others do not know this for themselves.

Opening the heart into Love is the most powerful way we can bring healing to a planet brimming with divisiveness, disagreement, and discord. Remembering that which unites us serves to activate this expansion of Love into the collective. We are all connected by this Love, as it is from Love we are birthed into this reality. To remember we all come from Love awakens us to the divinity within each of us.

To truly know the Divine is to know the Love within you. It is one and the same.

To love yourself is to love the Divine.

~~~ Take a moment to put your hand on your heart, and let yourself feel the sacredness of this Divine Love that you carry within you always, for it is the essence of you. It is who you are. Let each heart beat guide you back into your truth. ~~~

I am not perfect in this journey of Self-Love, but I have learned the sacred tools and I know when I’m not using them. I know how to come back into heart alignment when I’ve forgotten my own truth. And I know there’s always more learning as I open myself to the continuous blooming of higher octaves of Love.

It may be our greatest work as humans to experience True Love for who we are and these bodies we inhabit. And I am here to help you awaken and expand into the Love within you. I am here to help guide you back to your heart, and align with your truth.

I would love to hear from you about your own journey of Self-Love, and how my words have resonated with you today. I am always here, supporting you and honoring your own unique soul journey.



If you need help remembering your truth and need support during these transformational times, I am here for you. Womb Chakra Healings help you to clear karma, trauma, and heartbreak and to embody your Divine power, Oracle Readings help you to come into clarity about your path, Sacred Nourishment Sessions help you to strengthen your self-care and spiritual practices, and Cacao Ceremony helps you to access the truth of your heart.


Thank you for being here. Thank you for your love and support, and for taking a moment to read my words during this most exciting and activating time of transformation on our beautiful planet. Yes, it's intense. Yes, it's uncharted territory. Yes, so much is coming up individually and collectively. But remember, it's truly a gift to be here at this time.

Blessings to a most harmonious time of change in your life. May you awaken to the truth of your heart and shine your radiant light upon everyone and everything.

May every word of this letter bless you with love, peace, and joy.

And so it is. Blessed Be. Jai Ma.

Breathing in love, exhaling in gratitude,


Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu
~May all beings in the world be happy and free~