I’m humbled and honored by these loving words of praise, and am grateful to everyone for sharing their experiences of my offerings.
“My heart lead me to the golden light of Angela de la Agua. I have been working remotely with her on my personal healing journey for over a year now. It is important for me to work with a healer who knows how to hold sacred space. Within the variety of individual and group sessions I have participated in, the container is always held to the highest vibration of love. It is a safe place to open your heart into the depths of your healing.
There are angels on this earth, I know Angela is one of them. She demonstrates with impeccability: devotion, peace, tenderness, integrity, ancient wisdom, compassion, and most of all LOVE.
I bare my testimony to the healing work and teachings of Angela de la Agua. I know this is a true path of healing for mind, body, and spirit. I know these teachings can lead your soul to awakening and unto peace. It is in deep gratitude that I say these things before you in the name of love. Aho. Amen. And so it is.”
“The Lunar Eclipse Ceremony was very insightful and helped me so much with navigating the current energies. It was so nice to have it all explained and to have gained some clarity after practicing the meditation at the end. It was so beautiful. I’m really looking forward to the next ceremony. Thank you!”
“I am deeply grateful to have crossed paths with you. Our Womb Chakra session was truly heartfelt and I spent the entire day integrating a deep sense of peace and truly being tearful from a remembrance that I can’t quite put to words- it was subtle and yet vibrating throughout my entire body. So much fell away and I genuinely felt the purity of my soul offering me a sacred exhale.
Thank you for taking the time to share sacred teachings with me. I will indeed be weaving them into my practices as I continue on my journey. I feel that there is so much more that took place that I can capture via the written word but I trust that you can feel what I mean.”
“Dearest Angela,
Thank you for sharing your wisdom. Last December I was introduced to the Gayatri mantra from your videos. I practiced it over and over and developed a heartfelt connection to it.
Today, I am on the ‘frontlines’ delivering goods across the 11 Western states. I drive a big rig.
The Gayatri mantra is a Godsend.
Thank you so much for your being and the grounded love you send to us. I send my deepest appreciation and love in these times of great change.
Jai Sat Chit Anand”
“I watched the replay of the Spring Equinox Ceremony this morning. It’s always soooo nice to see your face and be in your presence. It makes me smile! Your ceremony was so touching and I really felt the spirit of cacao move through me.
Angela, you have taught me so much and I am so grateful I have been able to be a part of your ceremonies and healing courses.”
“I am amazed to find out so much new information about this journey we are on with the Womb Chakra Course. I find the mantras so beautiful. I want to cry when I hear some of them and I feel goose bumps from hearing the ancient language. It is so powerful.
Thank you so much for your time and for sharing this with us. I am so grateful to have joined this group, especially to feel this connection during such cold and dark times. It is lovely to connect.”
“Thank you for the beautiful Spring Equinox Ceremony. It was very impactful, I can feel the heart opening effects of Cacao Spirit and am very grateful for the opportunity to connect to the heart energy of others. Thank you so much!”
“I have been in communion with Cacao Spirit through the potent yet gentle ceremonial cacao from Angela for the past three years, and it has been quite the journey of daily heart-opening and ritual. Mama Cacao has become a trusted guide through my daily morning practice; and in my working life as a writer, she brings me valuable insight, inspiration and creativity.
Through her, connecting to the deepest part of my heart becomes a process of grace and ease, whether I’m sitting to meditate, do yoga or write. Also, as cacao becomes increasingly popular and in-demands these days, knowing that this cacao is ethically cultivated and sourced is a huge comfort.”
“I am so happy I booked a Womb Chakra Healing with you! It’s one of the greatest things I ever did for myself.
The most profound change I’ve noticed thus far is that I finally got to taste what “sourcing love from within” feels like. For example, I became neutral as oppose to having a strong desire for a “fairy tale romance/ marriage”. I am still shocked of this lack of yearning for someone that I thought it was just a temporary phase at first — like is this really me? Lol. OMG this feels sooo liberating that it made me want to scream in joy. It was like a dam had disappeared so that water can flow naturally (in this case love flowed naturally).
Something shifted in me that allowed for greater understanding and clarity to assist in self-love.”
“Angela, you have taught me so much and I am so grateful I have been able to be a part of your ceremonies and healing courses. Since your 40-day course last year I’m happy to say that I still practice veganism and 100 percent feel the lightness that this way of life has brought me. I also still have an altar, meditate on a regular basis AND have cold showers at the end of my hot showers.
There has been so much growth and change and I am so grateful for everything I have learned and shifted. I really feel so different and in a much happier, grounded place.”
“I am so grateful for you and the gifts you share with the world. I am so delighted I have had this opportunity to get to be a part of your offerings. I know these spiritual practices support me so that I may support others.
Thank you so much for your sacred work. Your essence and vibration are such a healing presence in the world.”
“It is truly beautiful to witness you and to be receiving the gift of the sacred Womb Chakra teachings! I am enamored with your transparency and the way that you are bestowing the reverence you hold with simplicity and kindness.
This will be quite the excursion for me & yet precisely what I need. My heart speaks that what meets our eyes is only but a glimpse of the depth that we are truly embarking on. I sense what you so patiently relay.
Thank you again for your radiance, humility & love. I feel it every time I share space with you. ”
“I had a Womb Chakra Healing session with Angela that was deeply transformational. Angela shared lots of wisdom and guidance about the Womb Chakra and held space beautifully for me during the session. I felt a tingling sensation in the space of my Womb Chakra and a sense of being cracked open. Over the following weeks, I continued the mantra work and noticed a profound shift. I felt more clear, creative, empowered and positive. I noticed several developments in my life, too, and made progress on some issues that had been holding me back for a long time. I can’t recommend Angela enough, and would really like to do further sessions with her in future. She is the real deal, a clear channel for the divine and masterful guide. I am so grateful for her presence and the work she does.”
“I have worked with Angela several times now and my time with her has become an integral part of my soul’s journey. When you are in Angela’s presence it is clear that you are in the presence of the divine. She is a lightworker and her essence is pure love. The Womb Chakra Healing and teachings are profound and transformational. Every time I leave the desert my soul feels called back and my time with Angela at her sacred home is a big part of that calling.”
“Here I am again ... days after a meeting with Angela and the revelations keep coming!
Each time we meet, there’s an experience of spontaneous and effortless opening into uncharted territory where clarity and surrender come naturally.
But then the days following, the gift keeps on giving! As I’m back living my life there’s a new way of seeing, fresh and new, that reveals what’s been there all along, but truer and without clutter. I’ve noticed that this brings an ease and depth of understanding, and more compassion for those in my life.
Many healers and teachers will take a class or two and hang their shingle while possessing only a conceptual understanding of what they’re offering. Angela’s years-long solitary lifestyle of continuous devotional practices, contemplation and service to others, allowing her to meet life fully with authenticity and joy, is rare. How this translates for others is that every service she offers comes from a living, embodied reality — a clear transmission of Divine Light — also rare.
I experience Angela’s cultivated Presence as a powerful and potent force for transformation and am in deep gratitude to have her in my life.”
“Angela and Joshua Tree are the most intensely beautiful teachers. Angela has been integral to my journeys there; her healing practices and how she holds space reflect the elements and teachings of the desert. She is relentless in her devotion and her studies in practice. Angela is pure magic: A source of inspiration and knowledge through direct experience and devotion to the source. ”
“Angela is a powerful healer. She holds the wisdom she knows so gracefully. She is masterful at witnessing and allowing. She held me gently as I worked through whatever was ready to come up to be acknowledged and released. I am so grateful for her guidance through the Womb Chakra Healing work which has blessed my life and my ancestral line with transformative healing beyond measure. Thank you, Angela, for letting your light shine brightly in this world. It is a joy to work with you.”
“Working with Angela means learning with Angela. From every juice or raw food creation, I not only receive the medicine of food that is handled with love, I receive the lesson of that ritual, that slowness and care that creates a renewed connection to all aspects of life. To sit beneath her desert willow and settle into the world that she protects, to see the tenderness within her beautiful home, to witness the way she makes each jar of juice or cup of cacao, all of it is healing.
The best healing lessons are ones that remind us of the natural tools we have access to, the bounty of earth that is there for us, the deep understanding of body and spirit we each carry.
In every offering Angela presents, there is a tool to take home, to use again and again whenever the need arises. I continue to benefit from every interaction, every sip of juice, and every moment of ceremony that Angela has shared with me over the years. I am relieved to know that she is there, doing her magical work, supporting all of us daily with great care.”
“The Cacao Ceremony was beautiful and I’m forever grateful to have had this experience with you and our circle. Integration has been fascinating, I’ve been very gentle with myself as I’ve had many things come up for me as a part of a healing process that I’m going through. It helped me to embrace my emotions, instead of keeping them locked and hidden. Before the ceremony I was drawing the 7 of Swords at an astonishing rate, and now I feel like I’ve been able to unfold what has been hidden and accept what needed to be taken care of. I feel much more aligned and my personal drive is back on track. I’m finding a lot of emotion bubbling to the surface that I’ve been holding back. It’s been a very cathartic experience.”
“The medicine of my Oracle session with Angela started as soon as I walked through the door. It was clear that she had been preparing the space with love and intention for quite some time, and my body and soul knew on a very deep level that I was entering into magical space. With a direct but gentle energy Angela guided the process in a way that allowed truths to flow out effortlessly from me. The revelations came along with a deep sense of inner knowing that helped guide me through the following months. Stepping into sacred space with Angela is like stepping outside of time... it almost feels to me like a taste of the old world, when it was customary to take time and care with all things, and to make each moment into a ritual or prayer. I very much look forward to doing more work with Angela in the future, as it is always such a gift.”
“The three sacred cacao ceremonies Angela led that I participated in were nothing less than life changing events for me. Angela is truly a gifted priestess on the planet at this time. She creates a safe, open portal for divine guidance and healing to come in. During the ceremonies I was part of, the field she created allowed me to open up to profound levels of divinely inspired information for myself and others. Even more important, the energy allowed me to fully drop into the place I needed to go for a massive, long-awaited emotional healing to take place. It was unexpected and nothing less than miraculous. I have been on the upswing ever since.
As someone who has been working in the field of evolutionary spirituality myself for two decades, I recognize that the kind of transformational ritual setting Angela creates is made possible by the high and loving vibration she has cultivated within herself over the last decade. Having studied and lived the path of the Holy Woman with such dedication, Angela has become a gifted ritual leader, Oracle of sacred wisdom, and priestess of divine nourishment. I highly recommend Angela’s ceremonies and private readings, her exquisite guidance sessions on high vibrational food, and her extraordinary juices and raw desserts. You will be fed and sustained at very deep levels.”
“I worked with Angela when she served as the teaching apprentice in the Priestess of the Dove Oracle training course I took with Seven Sisters Mystery School. In this role she supported Marguerite Rigoglioso, our teacher, beautifully and also co-created sacred space for our class with loving care. Sharing her wisdom about food, Angela helped me embrace and embody the principles of sacred nourishment in a way that was new to me. I began to bless our food at family dinners regularly and now my family will reach for each other’s hands, many times without my prompting, to bless our food and each other. Angela stands with you and allows you to go at your own pace through whatever your learning is in the moment. Her being radiates authenticity and bravery and her laughter is Divine. I look forward to continuing to learn and work with her in my own journey of sacred nourishment.”
“Angela is a woman of heart and mind, who walks the path she speaks and is unwavering and immensely inspiring in her commitment. Her presence is one of another time and place, a place I have desired to be in, a true deep, patient connection with the earth and spirit. I have had an oracle reading with her and experienced her Cacao Ceremonies on several occasions and my life has truly been changed since she has come into my life. Her voice is gentle and generous, her words have space and allowed me to feel her strong presence, but also disappear into my own experience in her held arms. She has opened a place in me that I didn’t even know how much I yearned to connect to. She is the essence of the desert and all it has to offer to balance life.”
“Angela is both a mystic and an alchemist. I have known Angela for now 5 years, which also feels like lifetimes, I am lucky enough to have that connection with her. I am a witness to her ever evolving creations. Her knowledge is like the deep blue sea... beautiful, courageous and expansive. Angela continues to grow, quietly shaping her world around her like the ancient ones building blocks one by one into her own temple. The sounds of her voice, her deep rich laugh, and the space that she holds is profound... Once you have spent time with Angela, you will have no doubts you have tapped into someone very special because she is truly one-of-a-kind.”
“Angela inspires me to imagine a different way of being in this world. Her presence in our community is one of healing and radiant love. After ceremony with Angela, I have felt subtle shifts in my thinking and connections with others and our earth. Everything she touches vibrates with vitality.”
“Angela was the first person l met in the desert and my life has been forever changed in the most magical of ways. I’ve been honored and nourished by her juices, her delicious desserts grace my birthdays, her oracle readings give me rich guidance, and her ceremonies deeply move me each and every time. However you choose to dance with this bright light is up to you, just do it.”
“Angela has held several rituals on my property. She is intensely present and conscious. For me, the quality of Angela’s presence is impeccable and brings a sense of peace and calming.”
“So grateful that I had the opportunity to attend a cacao ceremony presented by Angela. The ceremony seemed to shake loose some long held back feelings that needed to come to the forefront for processing. The beauty of the cacao ceremony, the natural beauty of the desert location and Angela’s spiritual knowledge and positive energy made for a powerful experience.”
“Angela has become a dear friend of mine. We met for the first time when she lovingly, and I assert LOVINGLY, hand delivered a collection of organic cold pressed juices to my beloved and I in the desert, on an enchantingly dry and clear skied day in Joshua Tree.
The stillness that came to rest in my body as I intentionally sipped each juice between wandering bare foot against boulders, sand and pebbly paths was glorious. To honour my vessel with juices infused with the purest intentions and made by the hands of a starry angel is a portal in time I will never forget! My clear eyes grew to match the clear skies!
After all these years, I can still remember our first hug, the way Angela’s heart wrapped around mine and the crystalline devotion she carried for her sacred offerings permeated as a golden auric glow from her rich smile. I felt held, in her Love, in her hands, in her creations. And I was held, not only in that moment, but for many moons to come, as a gentle and cosmic spirit like Angela’s lives on in all those she connects with.
Over time I have witnessed Angela’s offerings expand into sensational and transformational realms. Her reverence is palpable, her Love is out of this world, her truth is Divine. I celebrate this magical woman without hesitation and it brings me total joy to encourage and invite you to dive a little deeper into her sacred offerings, too.”
“Angela conducted a Cacao ceremony for our priestess group. Her gracious and centered presence added to the sacred and powerful experience of the ceremony. Since the ceremony, with Angela’s gentle guidance and mentoring, I have begun to enjoy the spiritual and health benefits of the Cacao plant as part of my daily diet.”
“I met Angela during a retreat where she was blessing us with her cacao ceremony. I had done a cacao ceremony before, and although I liked it the first time, I wasn’t overly enchanted with it, as I’m naturally quite skeptical about many of these type of ceremonies. Well, Angela completely blew me away with her graciousness, and her deep understanding of the sacred nourishment. I am now a complete devotee to Mama Cacao.
Her knowledge and love for healing through nourishment is astonishing, and the kindness with how she teaches is very comforting. She made me feel at ease at all times. If you’re blessed to meet her, you’ll see that in this beautiful lady houses a very old soul of a medicine woman that has reincarnated through many lifetimes! Thank you Angela for your knowledge, kindness and love... and I will be forever grateful you introduced me properly to the gifts that Mama Cacao brought us all to enjoy!”
“Angela’s abundant love vibration draws me in. I look forward to being in her shining light. She is truly an Oracle of the Goddess. I have experienced cacao ceremonies and a personal oracle reading with Angela. She is professional and clear in her purpose as to how best assist you. I was greatly blessed by the session I had with Angela. Don’t hesitate to spend your time and money with her, you won’t be disappointed. ”
“Thank you for opening a safe space for me to be vulnerable. It was so transformational and helped remind me how much I love myself. My frustration and feelings of confusion are gone! Thank you for reminding me to trust myself. I’m doing the integration practices and just love it. You are truly amazing. Your heart is golden.”
“I am no newcomer to spiritual healing and energy work - having walked this path for ten years now both as a student, teacher, and practitioner. When I came to Angela to explore Womb Chakra Healing, part of me was curious to explore this mysterious modality, and part of me was eager to receive the healing of ancestral and karmic trauma we carry within. I was at a place where I was ready to look at and integrate some deep-seated issues that I had been turning away from for at least this lifetime.
I can safely say that I am not the person I was before this Womb Chakra Healing, and that it set in motion for me many necessary shifts in my journey of growth, change, evolution, and integration. Following this healing, I experienced intense physical, emotional, and spiritual breaking down of all the illusions and pain I had been holding in my body and being for as long as I can consciously remember and beyond. This kind of work only ever gives you exactly what you are ready for at the time- never more, never less. I was at a place where, after a decade of inner work, I was ripe and ready to make a quantum leap. Throughout this journey, Angela has held space for me, and has been a consistent source of support and guidance while empowering me to move forward autonomously.
If you are completely new to this kind of healing work, the energy will give you exactly what you are ready for. The journey of healing this mysterious and powerful energetic portal in our beings is both pioneering in this day and age, as it is ancient. And it is highly necessary at this time in our individual and collective histories. Angela carries the light of this rare and powerful healing modality with grace, wisdom, and skill. If you’re ready to shine a light on the parts of your being that urgently need your compassionate attention, Womb Chakra Healing with Angela is a potent way to embark on this journey.”
“Your juices felt like pure light. With each sip of juice, a new sensation opened in the body. I juiced before for years and I made them with love for my family, but this was nothing like anything I had ever drank before.
I felt your presence for weeks after like you had passed along some special powers of some sort. We only spoke briefly but I felt it was out of space and time.
I hope to be able to experience such a thing again ... one day.”