How I Healed My Relationship With My Mother

For most of my life, my most challenged relationship has been with my mother. Perhaps you can relate, as so often the mother-child relationship can be the most complex relationship in our lives to navigate.

Indeed, on a soul-level, it is the most charged connection we have in our lives. It can demand our greatest work when the relationship is discordant in any way. It can prove to be the greatest challenge on the healing path. And it makes sense when you think about the potent fact that you and your mother were once one. You were once inside her womb; your entire developing body enveloped within her body. And it was from her womb that you were birthed into the world.

And both despite and because of this deeply intimate soul connection we share with our mothers, it is quite common for there to be so much work to do around this relationship. It can be a highly sensitive topic for those of us who’ve had a troubled or traumatizing relationship (or non-relationship) with our mothers in any kind of way.

Even for those of us that have been blessed with a present, attentive mother growing up are not spared the deeply challenging and complex lessons that demand to be learned through this most powerful soul relationship.

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The Next Step in Your Journey of Transformation

The Womb Chakra teachings are ancient and widely unknown in the world, and especially so right now, there is a lot of energy surrounding this work, and the call to create a sacred journey to immerse in these teachings is loud and clear.

My journey with the Womb Chakra has brought incredible healing and transformation to my life, and it is a great honor to be able to share this work you and extend the same divine gifts I’ve received.

The benefits of the Womb Chakra teachings and practices include:

  • Healing heartbreak and past relationship energy

  • Healing traumas relating to sexual energy or negative attractions

  • Brings healing to the mother/child relationship

  • Clearing and releasing of negative karmas

  • Makes you a stronger healer

  • Direct connection to divine creation energy - the womb of the universe

  • Builds the foundation for sacred relationship

  • Strengthened ability to access creative energy

  • Physical, emotional, and soul-level healing

  • Ancestral healing

  • Creates a strong connection to the Divine Feminine power within you

  • Makes the womb a holy place

  • Manifesting your heart’s true desires

  • Helps you embody your soul purpose in the world

  • Enables you to radiate Divine Love from within you

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Honoring Paola + the Gift of Love

Dear One,

For those who may not be yet aware, beloved Paola I’x, my teacher, mentor, and treasured soul sister on the path of Cacao and beyond has transitioned out of her body on October 23rd after a long physical healing journey. I'm called to take a moment to honor and acknowledge the great gift that Paola has been in my life and the lives of so, so many of us, and the incredible ways in which she has impacted how I walk in the world.

Last year I wrote a bit about Paola and the healing journey she’s been on and my relationship to her. Paola’s presence in my life completely transformed my path, and it has continued to be a humble blessing to continuously share her medicine, her teachings, and all she has gifted me with others in my work. Her bright light and powerful voice and huge heart has brought healing and transformation to countless others all over the world.

My heart is full of love at this time of transformation, for within my heart resides the great gift of Paola. This is agreeably the greatest gift she has given the world: The message that Love Love Love is above everything. She is the embodiment of pure divine love, and generously shared her love, her songs, and her beauty with all.

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A New Voice for a New Season

The last time you heard from me with regularity was back in May, when I was preparing to dive into my 7-week long immersion called Descent Into Truth: A 40-Day Journey of Transformation Guided by Venus. This offering (a guided journey into the Underworld during Venus Retrograde) was my greatest experience yet of entering the unknown, and the great surrender and trust it required on my part. It was a divinely guided offering that sprang through my heart with a force, and it was divinely held every step of the way of the 40+ days.

A beautifully brave group of 28 Initiates came together to surrender to the unknown and journey into the depths of the Underworld to let go of old conditioning and open to the Truth hidden within. The divine timing of this work left me in awe of the mysterious workings of the universe time and again throughout the Descent. It was no coincidence that as we found ourselves in the very midpoint of our process of absolute dissolution/death to who we were before as we intimately traversed our inner Shadow, that the outside world exploded into total breakdown. While the world was in the throes of fire and rage, here we were in a deep process of letting go of limiting personal beliefs, embracing our Shadow, and becoming more and more vulnerable as we stripped away all that was false.

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Dangerous Thoughts + The Scorpio Full Moon

Early this morning we welcomed the Full Moon in Scorpio, a time of illuminating what hides in the shadows that wants to be seen. Scorpio is the shadow. The energy of this Full Moon asks us to recognize that which we might not feel comfortable looking at within ourselves. It’s a divinely aligned activation for these changing times, and for the rising energy of Venus’ Retrograde and my upcoming group immersion Descent Into Truth: A 40-Day Journey of Transformation Guided By Venus, where we commit to a 40+ day practice as a sacred structure for welcoming transformation by descending into the shadows.

When we look in the shadows, we are given the opportunity to discover hidden truths disguised as unacceptable aspects of ourselves that we judge and discard. The shadow is a doorway to your truth. Once you open the door into darkness and allow yourself to look- rather than denying or distracting away the discomfort- there lies within you the great treasure ready to be discovered. Allowing this discomfort is the great challenge, and what we so often avoid.

Being present with your thoughts, your feelings, and your body is how to recognize what makes you uncomfortable. Simply sitting still in silence can activate fear for so many of us, afraid of what the mind will present without any external distractions to disrupt it.

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My Journey with Cleansing + Fasting

In my upcoming group immersion Descent Into Truth: A 40-Day Journey of Transformation Guided By Venus, we commit to a 40+ day practice as a structure for welcoming transformation. Over the ages, there are many references of 40-day fasting periods as being significant in the evolution of spiritual teachers. This timing reflects the length of Venus’ Retrograde cycle and is no coincidence- the descending Evening Star and later rebirthed Morning Star on the horizon were visible markers in the sky to denote the beginning and ending of the 40-day initiation.

Cleansing with the upcoming Venus Retrograde is a divine opportunity of utmost cosmic support for powerful transformation.

Personally, I have experienced incredible healing and spiritual expansion through fasting/cleansing practices. I have extensive experience with juice fasting, water fasting, and even dry fasting. In this work I have shed so much old programming, emotional pain, and physical imbalance. My fasting practices have spanned 3 days to 120 days over the years, and each time something more is cleared, strengthened, and awakened within me. I’ve always listened to my guidance and my body in these experiences treading into the unknown. Fasting is a potent dive into confronting fears and all that hides in the shadows within that has worked for me- but it's not for everyone.

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The Breeze At Dawn Has Secrets to Tell you

In my recent free guidebook, I share 13 ways of inviting transformation through simple daily choices. And my new group offering Descent Into Truth: A 40-Day Journey of Transformation Guided By Venus expands upon this and provides a powerful sacred structure for transformation that is birthed from consistent daily practice. The consistent repetition of conscious choices made daily sets the foundation for significant change in our lives, no matter how simple that consistent daily practice may be.

One of my favorite examples of this is the simple daily choice of waking up early. As a once self-described Queen of the Snooze Button, the ability to wake up early in the morning out of choice has been one of my greatest transformative feats. For most of my life, the idea of waking up early was beyond undesirable and physically impossible. I was wired to go to bed late, and wake up late. Unless a job or class required me to wake early, my navigation of morning wake-ups started my days around 9:30am, or 10:30am, and often times as late as noon.

At a point in my life when a major shift was needed, I began recognizing that the mornings requiring an early start actually felt good once I was awake and moving around. I became curious about the magical, sacred quality of the stillness of early morning that I seemed to have missed most of my life by waking up well past sunrise. I slowly began to shift out of dreading the mornings I needed to wake up early and did my best to wake up early on my own.

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My Secret Transformational Morning Ritual

The most simple yet transformative daily practice that has changed my life profoundly is something most people don’t know about me. My secret sacred practice is a daily cold bath- a potent ritual I love above the rest and yet also fear just before it’s time to make the plunge.

Cold water immersion has been a lifelong fear. For most of my life, I’d heard of the benefits of ending a hot shower with cold water. Yet I was fearful of the utter discomfort cold water would pour over me, no matter the benefits of it, and avoided it.

Last summer, I started dreaming of cold plunges. My energy was heat-fatigued, and I was calling in radical life change. I looked to my morning practice to see where change could take place to reflect the internal changes I was feeling. An outdoor bathtub gave me the perfect set up for beginning this new morning practice.

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An Invitation for Initiation Into Your Greatest Power

As we approach Venus Retrograde, I’m increasingly excited for the official activation of my new offering Descent Into Truth: A 40-Day Journey of Transformation Guided By Venus, my first in-depth group immersion that begins Wednesday, May 13th. What feels to be my most authentic offering yet- an offering cultivated from the truth of my own multi-faceted processes of surrender and transformation- is an invitation to join me on a journey descending into the depths of the heart.

Venus’ Retrograde only happens every 18 months, opening up a powerful portal of transformation made possible by drawing inward, descending into the depths of your heart, and discovering the hidden treasures in the darkness. Re-emerging from the journey, we rise up radiantly empowered with the truth discovered within.

Over the course of 40+ days (the duration of Venus’ retrograde cycle), remotely we will meet weekly held in a sacred ceremonial container for support, connection, learning, and guidance.

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Together, we find ourselves in a brand-new world. With each new day, another day of unknown reality awaits us as we anxiously wait for endings to the uncertainty, the suffering, the fear.

We are being asked to settle deeper into our homes, into seclusion, into ourselves. Restrictions are becoming tighter. We are being asked to become comfortable with discomfort. We are being asked to let go of what was before, and accept that the changes we are experiencing now permanently impacts life moving forward.

We are being asked to trust that these changes are guiding our way to a new world of higher consciousness and harmonious relationship with ourselves and the planet.

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4/4/4 Global Meditation ~ Please join me!


Please join me along with thousands of people around the globe tonight, April 4th in a 20 minute meditation. Joining together in mass meditation with a shared intention truly creates change. In a time when we all want to do something to bring healing to our planet’s delicate state, uniting together at the same time with the vision of bringing one million hearts together in shared prayer is a powerful way to initiate change. I have personally facilitated several remote synchronized group meditations over the years, and have consistently witnessed positive results.

Click here for in-depth meditation guidance and visuals to work with, and share the information with others!

Tonight, at precisely 7:45pm Pacific (adjust for your time zone), light a candle, close your eyes and open your heart for 20 minutes, sitting in silence. Feel the power of connecting in with one million people around the world doing the same. Hold the vision of our planet and all inhabitants healthy, strong, empowered, happy and free.

May this mass meditation for evolutionary change on our planet be a blessing for your own well-being and expansion into your greatest potential.


At 7:45pm Pacific time tonight, there will be a powerful meeting of planets in the sky. Jupiter (expansion) and Pluto (transformation) are coming together in an exact conjunction, setting up the cosmic stage for great transformation to take place. Let’s harness this energy and invite in the highest possible outcome for our planet’s current state.

The breaking down of structures of life as we've known it began in January, with the rare meeting of Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn. The magnitude of these cosmic events has set in motion the necessary breaking down of old patriarchal structures and systems, paving the path for revolutionary change. Today, on 4/4/4 (2+0+2+0=4) is another wave of energy working towards this greater good.

I hope you will join me this evening, remembering we are all in this together. We are stronger together, and no one is moving through this time alone. I look forward to energetically connecting in with you and so many others tonight in a field of great love and reverence for this planet, our global community, and all who dwell here.

We have the power to create change within us. Open your heart and awaken to your greatest power.

It is my honor to be on the planet with you at this great time of change. I'll have more guidance and tools for you, soon!

I love you,

Sing a Song of Love ~ Where Love Is Needed Most

What we are experiencing now is a catalyst for true change. Before our eyes, life is an altered reality. Globally, we see the structures we’ve built and rely upon collapsing, and we look to one another for guidance, for healing, for support. For connection.

This is our wakeup call to look into the eyes of one another and embody Love. We have lost sight of our truth, and we have no choice now but to take the time to remember who we really are. Now, we have the gift of taking the time to open our hearts and see each other and ourselves in a brand new way.

This is our wakeup call to look within and remember our truth.

We are giving our power to an unseen force. It is driving us physically apart and separating us. This invisible presence is changing the world.

But there is something else that is also an unseen force, also an invisible presence that changes the world, more powerful than any virus. The most powerful force on our planet is unseen: Love. This is the force that brings us together no matter the external circumstances. This is the force that is the source of our true power.

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I Invite You To Surrender ~ A Practice In Letting Go

I was guided today to share a powerful tool for working with the challenging energies of these recent weeks. We are in the midst (and nearly at the end) of Mercury Retrograde, which has been moving through the sign of Pisces. This is an incredibly challenging dynamic of energies- Mercury Retrograde always serves to slow us down, be mindful, and re-examine all of our communications, and in the sign of Pisces this becomes all the more amplified.

Mercury is the planet that rules mental activity and processing, and Pisces is an etheric sign of full-on feeling that cannot be defined or contained. Mercury communicates from the mind, Pisces is guided by the heart. These two don’t function well together, as a result making this particular Mercury Retrograde more foggy and confusing to navigate than usual.

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My Opening to Pure Love

A decade ago, when I was living in a disconnected state in Los Angeles and the desert first silently sounded its call for my presence, my heart opened to the unknown. I did not know what I was opening myself to exactly, all I knew is that I was open. It was my clear intention for coming to the desert: I am open to whatever this path has for me.

This was a newfound openness expanding within me; it was unfamiliar. It was bliss. When I came to the desert, while I let go of a beautiful home, friends, work, and familiarity, I was not running from my former life, I was not escaping reality. I was simply overflowing with a joyful readiness for the unknown. I was complete with staying safe and small in my life, and was bursting with readiness for a new reality of living in a state of open-heartedness after 30 years of hiding in contraction and fear.

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Butterfly Blessings + 2/22 Ceremony

As I presently write, the desert winds are ushering in new energy with a force, and I have just witnessed the first butterfly appearance since last year’s warmer months outside my window. May this butterfly be a blessing for you now, a reminder of the beauty and freedom that comes from a patient journey of transformation.

Moments like this are the helpful guides on our path that are around us always to remind us of the bigger picture. I myself feel a readiness to burst out of the cocoon, yet knowing there’s still a stretch of internal time I’m being asked to embrace as powerful metamorphosis continues.

Today on 2/2/2020, we are at the midpoint between Winter Solstice and Spring Equinox, a sacred cross-quarter day called Imbolc. The strong winds and the single butterfly arriving on this day are all indicating that Spring is coming, but we are not fully there yet. We have made it through the darkest time of the year, and now upon this midpoint, we can shift our energy towards readying for the arrival Spring. The light increases steadily, and we are filled with increasing creative energy.

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And So It Begins

The beginning of 2020 is swiftly moving along, and it’s amazing to already be nearing the end of January. We’ve started off the new year with a tremendous force of energy, set forth to shake up and shake free all that holds us back from embodying our greatest gifts.

Now is the time to make the big changes that have long been ruminating in your heart. 
There is no more time for anything less than pure alignment with your heart’s truth.

So much of what we are moving through is energetic, unseen. Though we aren’t necessarily seeing the physical planetary movements of the cosmos, we are feeling it! And while this permanent-life-changing-energy peaked last weekend with a rare line-up of a Lunar Eclipse, Uranus moving direct and a Saturn-Pluto conjunction indicating massive global change, the waves of it continue to impact us collectively and individually, and it will take time for the energy and visible changes to integrate.

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Trust is the Golden Key

The world is rapidly changing, and no matter how it all may feel and look, there is a divine order in play. The world is ready for this change, and for change to occur, things must fall away for the expression of the new to come through. The new, that which is ultimately for the expansion of our collective consciousness, of divinity, of love. All that is changing is for our collective greater good.

We are being asked to trust the path before us, and all that is unknown. This requires many deep breaths, abundant self-care, and listening to the heart.

Right now, we are experiencing an especially accelerated time, and will continue to ride this rising energy through this weekend most strongly. This is a powerful wave of expansion, and through our ability to trust and our willingness to embrace the challenges as they arise, truly remarkable transformation awaits each and every one of us.

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The Threshold of Great Change ~ Honoring 2019 With Peace + Love

At the end of what truly has been an unprecedented year of change, I would like to congratulate you for making it through a very epic year. This has been a time like no other, and I honor all that you faced and moved through in every moment of 2019. All that has been worked through, purged, released, all that has come to the surface and forefront of your awareness to be seen, felt, dealt with and healed, all of this has been serving a greater purpose for your journey.

2019 was a massive focus on bringing old cycles to a close, and now we start a new journey in the new year, where the work we’ve completed sets us up to meet this new year from a place of newfound strength, resilience, and trust. With all that has been released in 2019, we can truly begin 2020 clear and new.

We are stepping over the threshold into a brand new journey.

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You are warmly invited to join me in ceremony this coming Saturday, December 21st. We will be honoring Winter Solstice, the shortest and darkest day of the year. Sitting in ceremony together will allow for us to work with this powerful energy in the best possible way, bringing blessings and strength to our journeys. We have the support of the cosmos with us in these transformational times, and by aligning ourselves with these cycles in ceremony we integrate the continuous shifts, embrace our truth, and receive higher guidance for our journeys.

***If you are unable to be physically present for this beautiful ceremony, keep an eye out for next Sunday’s newsletter. I will have a special Winter Solstice ritual ready for you to work with so you may fully receive the blessings of this most sacred day of the year, wherever you may be!***

Winter Solstice is a Holy Day, and a powerful portal of change. This day is considered to be the beginning of Winter, where we arrive at the precipice of a time of deep transformation. Winter is a time of unseen activity under the surface, so much taking place in the darkness. It is a time to withdraw and grow still and quiet, listening for our inner truth and allowing the rhythm of our hearts to guide the path moving forward. Winter Solstice is the divine invitation to plant sacred seeds filled with loving intention of what will be birthed in the coming year.

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