*starting SOON*
The newest installment of the Womb Chakra Immersion begins October 6th-November 10th, 2021. Sign up for my mailing list to receive updates about registration!
Please join me in sacred community to bring healing and transformation to your life through the power of your Holy Womb Chakra. Over the course of our journey, together we will immerse in once-secret ancient teachings and practices for bringing healing and empowerment to your Womb Chakra.
The Womb Chakra Course will be a multi-faceted experience of learning sacred teachings, experiencing powerful healing practices as a group and for your own personal practice, divine transmissions, and community connection over the course of 9 weeks.
My journey with the Womb Chakra has brought incredible healing and transformation to my life, and it is a great honor to be able to share this work you and extend the same divine gifts I’ve received.
For the first time, I’m offering the complete Womb Chakra teachings and process as a remote group experience through a live online immersion. The Womb Chakra teachings are ancient and widely unknown in the world, making this a very powerful, sacred opportunity to deepen your spiritual path.
I’ve been guided to lead others through what is truly a treasure-trove of divine teachings and practices during the most highly charged time of year: the holiday season.
The holidays are a highly complex time and can signify many things to many people:
a holy time of year
a time when the days grow dark and short
a time of celebrating the birth of Christ
end-of-year pressures
loneliness, isolation, and depression as being with loved ones is emphasized
an honoring of Winter Solstice: The rebirth of Light
The holidays can bring up a lot of challenges for people- it can often be the hardest time of year for some. And given the massive initiation that 2020 has been for us, this particular holiday season might be the most challenging we’ve known. The support of a sacred community during this time of year is incredibly important to help us feel connected and remind us that we are moving through these changing times together.
For the duration of the holidays and carrying you into the new year, we will be held in a safe, supported, sacred container built on the foundation of Divine Love.
“The journey of healing this mysterious and powerful energetic portal in our beings is both pioneering in this day and age, as it is ancient. And it is highly necessary at this time in our individual and collective histories. Angela carries the light of this rare and powerful Womb Chakra healing modality with grace, wisdom, and skill. If you’re ready to shine a light on the parts of your being that urgently need your compassionate attention, Womb Chakra healing with Angela is a potent way to embark on this journey.”
You are seeking healing on a spiritual, emotional, and/or physical level
You are seeking a spiritual practice and/or community
You’d like to strengthen your spiritual practice and knowledge
You want to be cleared of past relationships, heartbreak, or traumas related to sexual energy
You are seeking connection in a safe, supported container
You have experienced a Womb Chakra healing from me, and want to expand into this work more deeply
You are seeking womb healing in any kind of way (including your own time in the womb)
You want to bring healing to your relationship with your mother
You are ready to clear karmas across all lifetimes
You want to become a stronger healer (whether your own work or as a healing presence for others in your life)
You want to build a strong, sacred relationship with your partner
You’d like to learn about sacred pregnancy practices
You have a connection to Mother Mary and/or Jesus and are open to profound new teachings about their work
You want to access your full creative potential
You want to receive divine empowerments throughout the holy days of the year
You want to expand your relationship to the Divine Feminine
You are ready to rise up into your divine soul purpose
We are in the midst of a time of great change. We are in the midst of a time of great opportunity. These might be the most challenging times we’ve known, but it opens the door for the most powerful experiences of healing and awakening to take place.
The Womb Chakra teachings are a powerful system of healing practices that enable you to clear what blocks you from accessing your divine power. By bringing healing to yourself and strengthening your divine connection, you become a powerful source of healing and divinity for others. The highest path to bringing healing to the world is to bring healing to yourself first and foremost.
Individual healing work, when done within the context of a supportive group of individuals with shared intention and a solid, sustained container, strengthens what is possible for all, while anchoring powerful healing energy for the world.
The benefits of the Womb Chakra teachings and practices include:
Healing heartbreak and past relationship energy
Healing traumas relating to sexual energy or negative attractions
Brings healing to the mother/child relationship
Clearing and releasing of negative karmas
Makes you a stronger healer
Direct connection to divine creation energy - the womb of the universe
Builds the foundation for sacred relationship
Strengthened ability to access creative energy
Physical, emotional, and soul-level healing
Ancestral healing
Creates a strong connection to the Divine Feminine power within you
Makes the womb a holy place
Manifesting your heart’s true desires
Helps you embody your soul purpose in the world
Enables you to radiate Divine Love from within you
Sacred tools for working through these changing times
A stronghold of divine support in your healing journey
A supportive, loving community that will gather together every Sunday
Powerful weekly undiluted teachings about the mysterious Womb Chakra
Initiations in the ancient mantra and yantra system for the Womb Chakra
In-depth guidance for establishing your own spiritual practice based on the WC teachings that best serve where you are
Understanding of how to cleanse and purify your Womb Chakra
Guidance for creating an altar in your home for this work
Guidance for becoming a teacher and/or healer in this lineage if you are called to it
Divine healing transmissions embedded in every call
A strengthened relationship with the Divine Feminine
A sacred container to hold you throughout the dark days of the year
9 weekly live 90 minute sessions via Zoom
Q+A on each call, and email support from me throughout our journey
A live remote puja (fire ceremony) on one of the calls for extra powerful healing energy and blessings
144 page PDF of the Holy Womb Chakra Teachings by Sri Kaleshwar
Downloadable PDFs of thorough practice instructions for the Holy Womb Chakra System
Audio files for all mantras that are part of the practices
A non-Facebook private group platform to stay connected between sessions
Downloadable images of divine souls part of this lineage
Recordings of each live session
Discounted private Womb Chakra healing sessions with me
Optional at checkout:
A private one-on-one Womb Chakra Healing with your teacher, Angela de la Agua
A lotus seed mala and copper sheet available in my webstore for your personal practice
*** If you are experiencing financial challenges during this time and are called to participate, please contact me and express your interest in joining and we can find a way to make it work for you. ***
“Many healers and teachers will take a class or two and hang their shingle while possessing only a conceptual understanding of what they’re offering. Angela’s years-long solitary lifestyle of continuous devotional practices, contemplation and service to others, allowing her to meet life fully with authenticity and joy, is rare. How this translates for others is that every service she offers comes from a living, embodied reality — a clear transmission of Divine Light — also rare. I experience Angela’s cultivated Presence as a powerful and potent force for transformation.”
You will be initiated into the Holy Womb Chakra system
You will know the complete system of sacred tools for bringing transformational healing to your life
You will have received 9 divine transmissions of healing energy
You will have learned powerful, ancient knowledge that will expand your spiritual path
You will perhaps have begun your personal practice with confidence and support
You will know how to access your highest creative energy
You will have established loving bonds with others in our sacred community
You will feel supported and ready to enter 2021 prepared and empowered for a transformative new year
You will have developed a stronger relationship to Divine Mother, and your own Divine Feminine energy
You will move forward with the wisdom of how to access the power of your Womb Chakra for continued healing in your life
You will be blessed for your journey ahead in 2021
“Angela is a powerful healer. She holds the wisdom she knows so gracefully. She is masterful at witnessing and allowing. She held me gently as I worked through whatever was ready to come up to be acknowledged and released. I am so grateful for her guidance through the Womb Chakra Healing work which has blessed my life and my ancestral line with transformative healing beyond measure. Thank you, Angela, for letting your light shine brightly in this world. It is a joy to work with you.”
Do I need to know about the chakras for this course?
Not at all. This course will be focused just on the Womb Chakra, and no prior spiritual experience or knowledge of other systems is necessary.
What is the Womb Chakra? Isn’t that just the second chakra?
You will learn this fully in the course. :) It is not the second chakra, but its own energy center. It is the most powerful energetic point in the body. It is the access point to your divinity.
Why have I never heard of the Womb Chakra before?
These teachings come from ancient palm leaf manuscripts that have been hidden for thousands of years. Only in recent times is this sacred, powerful information rising up to be worked with, in accordance with the transformative times we find ourselves in.
Is this course only for women?
All are welcome here! These teachings are for all humans. All humans have a Womb Chakra and access to its power. If you are drawn to it, you are warmly welcomed to join our sacred community.
Where do these teachings come from?
They are over 7,000 years old, from ancient palm leaf manuscripts from India that have been only used by high divine saints previously. They are direct transmissions from Divine Mother Herself, transferred by the sacred sages of ancient times, exquisitely transcribed onto palm leaves in Sanskrit.
What religion is this? I see mention of chakras, mantras, Mother Mary and Jesus??
These are spiritual teachings that surpass any specific religious parameters. This lineage is of ancient Indian/Hindu origins, and yet there is a huge relationship between the divine lives of Mother Mary and Jesus in particular with these teachings. There is so much more to be revealed in the course! No matter what your religious background, you are welcome and invited to open to the divine mystery of these spiritual teachings and practices.
I have a negative association with Jesus and/or Mother Mary.
That is a common response I hear. No matter what your association with these iconic/polarizing figures may be, you are invited to open to brand new teachings and astonishing revelations about the reality of their work, their power, and their divinity. Through this work, you may find yourself experiencing healing around old conditioning/programming relating to them. You may find yourself in new, aligned relationship with these divine souls. For anyone at all who is unfamiliar with these teachings, you will see Mother Mary and Jesus in a whole new light!
I don’t know anything about mantras. Are beginners welcome?
Yes of course! I will be teaching in-depth about every aspect of the practices and the power of Sanskrit mantra. I will be here to help ensure you are pronouncing the mantras properly and working with them in the correct way.
I’m intrigued by the Womb Chakra but not interested in chanting mantras. Is this course right for me?
The ancient Womb Chakra mantras are in Sanskrit, and just by hearing the vibration of them you will receive healing energy. If you are open to hearing them and simply want to be immersed in the divine energy of the teachings and the transmissions on the weekly calls, you will benefit from this experience. Spiritual practice is a personal experience. If it’s not the time for you to chant mantras as a personal practice, you will still learn so much, you’ll receive divine healing energy, and community connection. And perhaps at another time down the line, the practices you learn will feel resonate and you will have the tools to begin your practice.
Do I need to be on the calls live?
You are welcome to join whenever you’re able. It’s not required, and certainly during the holiday season we can have many commitments to navigate. If you’re not able to make every call live, you will be able to watch later on through the provided recordings that will be available after each call. Though, the live experience is a wonderful transmission of Shakti when many are gathered! So, it is encouraged whenever it’s possible. The real-time feeling of connecting with a group is very powerful. But still, even if you’d like to participate but can’t make any calls at all, you will be able to experience all of it on your own right timing through the videos.
Why 9 weeks?
In this lineage, 9 is a very sacred number. Of many things, it represents the number of months we are in the womb, and signifies the transformative process these teachings bring. There is a lot of new information to share, and receiving the teachings week by week will help to absorb and integrate the many levels involved by taking our time working through the material and practices. By having a solid stretch of time together, you will be able to receive direct guidance from me about your practice and support along the way to ensure you are getting the most out of it.
What are your qualifications to teach?
I am a certified teacher and healer in this lineage, as taught by Sri Kaleshwar. He is no longer in his body, but I was initiated by one of his senior students, the amazing Cindy Lindsay-Rael, in 2017. I received initiation into these teachings at one of two ashrams established by Sri Kaleshwar in Laytonville, CA (the second ashram being in Penukonda, India).
I have more questions!
Wonderful! You can connect with me with your questions. I’m happy to help you determine if this course is aligned for you at this time.
The Womb Chakra system of teachings and practices are here to help you embody Divine Love in the most powerful, authentic way to help the planet at this time of great change.
I hope you will join me in anchoring Divine Love in your life and the world through this powerful work.
May these sacred teachings awaken the greatest light within you during the darkest time of the year.
Lokah Samastha Sukino Bhavantu
~ May all beings everywhere be happy and free ~
*** Angela has been working with these sacred teachings and practices with devotion since 2017, and has received the blessing and certification from Divine Lineage Healing Center in Laytonville, CA to take this work into the world. The teachings and healing practices in this course are as taught by Sri Kaleshwar and his teacher, Shirdi Sai Baba, the Divine Souls from whom this knowledge has come. She was directly taught and initiated by one of Sri Kaleshwar’s senior students, the amazing Cindy Lindsay-Rael. ***
Photo credits: Header image and hand ~ Angela de la Agua, sunflower image ~ Julia Corbett