When I first stepped onto the path of IxCacao in 2014, I had no idea what this gentle plant spirit had planned for my future. Since my first heart-opening Cacao Ceremony (shared by Paola Iβx, who would come to be my teacher), I have surrendered to my heartβs guidance increasingly with the subtle support of Cacao Spirit and have witnessed my life transform over and over again. It was not my plan to begin sharing Cacao Ceremonies, it was Cacao Spirit guiding me. It was not my plan to start selling the medicine of Cacao for others to work with, it was Cacao Spirit guiding me.
Cacao brought me clarity of my heart's purpose which made these new, unexpected steps quite effortless and natural. Others were increasingly asking me to share the ceremonies and this medicine, all of which made it very clear that I am here to help share the heart-opening gifts of Cacao with reverence and integrity, and thus expand the presence of Love on the planet in this way.
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