LET YOUR HEART SHINE with the gift of Beloved Cacao.
When I first stepped onto the path of IxCacao in 2014, I had no idea what this gentle plant spirit had planned for my future. Since my first heart-opening Cacao Ceremony (shared by Paola I’x, who would come to be my teacher), I have surrendered to my heart’s guidance increasingly with the subtle support of Cacao Spirit and have witnessed my life transform over and over again. It was not my plan to begin sharing Cacao Ceremonies, it was Cacao Spirit guiding me. It was not my plan to start selling the medicine of Cacao for others to work with, it was Cacao Spirit guiding me.
Cacao brought me clarity of my heart's purpose which made these new, unexpected steps quite effortless and natural. Others were increasingly asking me to share the ceremonies and this medicine, all of which made it very clear that I am here to help share the heart-opening gifts of Cacao with reverence and integrity, and thus expand the presence of Love on the planet in this way. With the blessing of my Cacao teachers, I embraced this sacred role fully with gratitude.
Years ago when I first began selling Cacao, I wasn’t prepared for the immediate interest and so my quick remedy for packaging was to use ziploc bags. Seeing how more and more people were being sent my way to purchase Cacao, I soon upgraded to using shimmery gold metallic pouches that were delightful to the eye and captured some of the radiant essence that Cacao holds, but not earth-friendly. This was still a quick solution that left much room for improvement, as one order at a time I had to email Cacao instructions to customers. There has never been any labeling on the pouches-a detail that always felt hard to focus on with my ever-expanding offerings and schedule as a solitary medicine priestess and healer.
For the last year, the guidance to more authentically share the pure Cacao paste that I adore and source from Ecuador has been crystal clear. With the help of a sweet team, I have been patiently working on this project for many moons, and am now able to present this most cherished plant medicine in a way that truly reflects the Love and blessings Cacao Spirit has blessed me with.
The intention of this new, elevated packaging is to honor the sacredness of her medicine, that it holds the highest vibrations of Love in every detail involved.
I have affectionally named this treasured medicine Beloved Cacao, and truly, Cacao is my Beloved. She is my dear companion. I start every single morning with a warm cup of her medicine, inviting open-heartedness, clarity, and compassion to set the foundation for the coming day. I sing to her as I prepare my morning cup, I pour forth my gratitude into her medicine. I start every day embraced with the gifts of Cacao.
And I know she is the Beloved of many of you as well! It has been such a joy to witness how this medicine has made a huge heart-opening shift for so many of you who I’ve shared Beloved Cacao with over the years, and who have established an intimate relationship with this sacred plant spirit.
All of this is to say: I am honored to announce the up-leveled presence of Beloved Cacao in my Sacred Shop. Adorned with new packaging reflecting her official name, gorgeous golden-hearted labels complete with preparation instructions, and all of it 100% compostable in harmony with the energy of the earth.
The energy of every bag of Beloved Cacao is radiant with the pure vibrations of LOVE. Love for the planet, Love for the creation, Love for the medicine, Love for the recipient.
I give my deep heartfelt gratitude to Elevate Packaging for providing 100% compostable pouches and high-quality labels and for producing such a beautiful presentation. My heartfelt gratitude to Martín Mancha, for his kindness, gentleness, patience, and skill in producing the designs for the new look of Beloved Cacao. And my heartfelt gratitude to Melissa Parke-Rousseau for bringing her feminine eye to the imagery of this new product and capturing the divine essence of my sacred relationship with Beloved Cacao in her gorgeous photos. And infinite thanks to my many beloveds who always offered feedback and suggestions anytime I asked for it along the path of this creation.
And of course, deep gratitude to my Cacao supplier and to all who make it possible to experience the gift of this Ecuadorian Cacao. Blessings and gratitude to the land that grows the medicine, to all of the humans who help to grow it, process it, transport it, and who make it available for me to share with so many others. Thank you to my Cacao teachers Paola and Gustavo for their blessing to share this medicine in the world. And of course, thank you, Beloved Mama Cacao! What a gift!
If you’ve been a Beloved Cacao customer already, you’ll see an increase in the price that aligns with the new costs incurred with these changes. As a thank you for being on this journey with me, I am extending a 15% discount for your first purchase of Beloved Cacao (good for up to 3 bags) through my website only. Discount code BELOVED Expires 11/30/21.
Beloved Cacao is locally available for purchase at Grateful Desert, Joshua Tree! Grateful Desert is the exclusive local retailer for Beloved Cacao. If you’re in the high desert, be sure to visit this gorgeous and intoxicating apothecary-sanctuary to explore their herbal creations, natural products, and local art while picking up a bag of Beloved Cacao. :)