Dear One,
On February 1st, 2023, I woke up to a new, unknown reality after having just moved out of my treasured temple home of 12 years. The journey of leaving my little homestead cabin way out in an isolated part of the desert was truly the most heartbreaking experience I’ve known. It’s incredible that it was one year ago that I closed and locked the door to that life- a life that laid the groundwork for extraordinary transformation.
How quickly time passes and how swiftly things change.
I expressed the grief of this departure through a written piece and newly produced photography work in arts & literary print journal Luna Arcana’s most recent issue. It was a piece written in the depths of the pain while I was still living in the cabin, as a way to process this change and to give voice to the higher perspective of it all. What a gift it was to honor this healing process creatively and to share it with others.
You can find my work in Luna Arcana here. If you get yourself a copy, please let me know how you felt about it! :) I am deeply grateful to editors Rohini Walker and Martín Mancha for the opportunity to share my heart in their issue and for honoring my work so beautifully.
Self-portrait, 2022, Joshua Tree, one of several new images published in Luna Arcana issue 6
In closing the door to a familiar life I loved, a powerful new path of the unknown opened to me. This past year has been a time of radical change and initiation of a whole new level, where so much has been uncertain. I’ve been asked to learn a new way of living and relating to myself and to others, and to stretch and grow into a new expression of myself. I am so grateful for the beautiful and stable home that has held me this past year (which I thought would be a temporary stay for a couple of months!) and the many gifts that keep coming from this new cycle of life that I couldn't have experienced without closing that beloved door one year ago.
And so, the transformation continues. :)
There's so much more to say about the significance of the journey I experienced in that cycle of my life which is why there is also a film being produced about it as well. Stay tuned for more on this in the coming months! :)
If you find yourself in a challenging place at this time, may you discover the gifts and blessings that await you by embracing the unknown.
With Love,