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Dear Loves,

You are warmly invited to join me in another remote online ceremony to honor the upcoming New Moon. It is a blessing to be able to gather together remotely in this way, and I am grateful to be able to continue holding sacred space at a time when we need to anchor energy of peace and love more than ever. We have the support of the cosmos with us in these transformational times, and by aligning ourselves with these cycles in ceremony we integrate the continuous shifts, we embrace our truth, and we receive higher guidance for our journeys. 

This ceremony will be incorporating Cacao Medicine if you have it, but it's okay if you don't! You can still join and use any interpretation of Cacao that is available to you. I invite you to creatively work with what you already have at home, and please don’t worry about simply having a cup of tea or even water if that’s all you’ve got on hand. Find a special vessel and fill it with your sacred humble elixir. Whatever your drink may be, it will be blessed! Ceremony energy is powerful, and the Spirit of Cacao will be present regardless, helping you to open your heart for healing and guidance.

The New Moon rises in the sign of Taurus, an earth sign that embodies grounding, manifestation, and strength. The energy of this New Moon invites you to find stability within your heart, planting seeds of love as the foundation for your path forward. New Moons are an inward time for reflection of the previous cycle and for setting your intentions for the next cycle. In ceremony, together we will work with this energy in the best possible way, bringing blessings and strength to our journeys, and sending these blessings into the world.


Wednesday, April 22nd, 2020
5 PM Pacific Time

(approx 60-90 minutes duration)

I am guided to offer this remote ceremony to all who want to join for free. These ceremonies help to sustain my work in the world, so if you do have the means to comfortably offer an exchange, I gratefully welcome a suggested exchange of $20 (or any amount) towards supporting this sacred work. You may send payment to my Venmo: @angeladelaagua, or Paypal: PayPal.Me/AngeladelaAgua (avoiding fees is appreciated). Thank you! But again, all are welcome, no one turned away whatsoever. 

For this online ceremony, prepare in the following way:

  • Have a quiet, designated sacred space where you are comfortably seated to be free of disruption for the duration of the ceremony.

  • Light a candle in your space before we begin.

  • Prepare a cup of Cacao, Tea, or any high-vibrational/ heart-opening elixir of your choosing (free of alcohol please!) in a special vessel. Also, we will be drinking together in ceremony, so prepare it before we begin, and keep it warm/covered until we are ready to drink if necessary.

  • Have a journal and pen with you.

  • Bring your intention for this ceremony.

  • Come with an open heart ready to receive Divine Love.

  • Afterwards, plan to give yourself some quiet space for integration before moving to another activity. 

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the ceremony. (If you are unable to make the scheduled time, please register anyway, and I will send a replay link for you to watch and receive the healing energy of the ceremony anytime.)

* The ceremony will be recorded, so if you prefer to not be visible to others on the recording you can join anonymously. Videos will be turned off at the start of the ceremony, and you have the option of renaming yourself once you've entered the meeting.

*Please forward this invite to others who might want to join!*

Thank you so much for doing this work with me. As has always been my message in my work, to bring healing to the world we must first bring healing to our hearts. The changes we seek in the outside world starts with the changes we make within.

It's my honor to extend to you the opportunity to sit in ceremony with the sacred rhythms of nature. By sitting in ceremony with intention, you open yourself to working with these changing times in the highest, best possible way. Cacao Spirit lovingly and gently guides you in this work.

Let us join together to strengthen and support the ever-expanding journey of our hearts in this loving container. Let the power of this ceremony radiate healing love throughout the world. Let the love created in this ceremony be a blessing for All That Is.

It's a gift to be able to join together in ceremony, and I hope to see you there.

With love,


If you will be drinking Ceremonial Cacao, some reminders to enhance your experience with Cacao Spirit: 

- Avoid eating a heavy meal 2-3 hours before the ceremony
- Avoid caffeine, alcohol, and all other altering influences the day of the ceremony
- Drink water throughout the day prior to ceremony

About Cacao Medicine:  Sacred Cacao is a subtle plant medicine that can help bring healing, compassion, and truth to one’s life. Cacao teaches us how to love ourselves more, helping us to love those in our lives more, and bring more love into the world. Sacred Cacao lovingly facilitates this time of inner focus and reflection, opening our hearts to recognize all of the gifts from the previous cycle and all that needs to be released moving forward. Cacao Spirit will gently guide us deep into the heart space, illuminating the truth of our hearts. It is a safe, intimate experience filled with bliss, presence, and connection.

Earlier Event: March 19
Later Event: September 22