I invite you to join me on a 40-day journey of surrendering to the unknown. Together we make the descent into the Underworld to let go and release old structures and limiting belief systems, we discover the hidden treasures within our shadows, we clear what blocks us from embodying our truth, we come into clarity about our paths, and we rebirth ourselves as new lights empowered with newfound strength and sovereignty built on a steadfast foundation of radical self-love.
Descent Into Truth: A 40-Day Journey of Transformation Guided by Venus is a 40+ day group journey of initiates committing to a chosen daily practice that serves as the foundation for transformation (details below) while held in a safe, sacred container.
We meet for 7 Wednesdays 11am-12:30pm Pacific on Zoom (or you can watch later). Registration closes May 8th!
Descent Into Truth is inspired by the upcoming Venus Retrograde cycle, a divinely aligned passage that occurs during a time of great upheaval, uncertainty, and fear on our planet and in our individual lives. Venus retrogrades only once every 18 months making it a significant cosmic event. Venus’ 40+ day retrograde is a potent opportunity to invite in transformation by descending into the Underworld, where Venus herself is journeying during her retrograde.
We will be working with the ancient myth The Descent of Inanna for greater depth of understanding of our journey and how it relates to our present reality, both individually and globally. The Goddess Inanna’s descent to the Underworld is the myth behind Venus’ retrograde, illuminating the ultimate feminine power found in the descent.
To willingly descend and surrender to the unknown is a proactive, courageous response to the challenging shadow times we are facing by looking directly at our own shadows within.
We come together remotely as a group to commit to our 40+ day practice/challenge to share intentions, for accountability, for support, for learning, for witnessing, for strength, for connection. We generate a powerful field of love through the joined work we do for ourselves that benefits our individual journeys and the world.
This journey offers you the foundation and structure for initiating powerful change in your life in these evolutionary times. In this Underworld journey, you empty yourself out and leave behind what no longer serves, that which holds you back from knowing your truth. At the completion of your journey, you emerge with clarity and strength, shining your radiant light like never before.
I invite you to harness this Venus Retrograde energy by diving with me into the Great Below.
Descent Into Truth begins May 13th, 2020 and completes June 24th, 2020. This aligns with the timing of Venus going retrograde and then stationing direct.
We will meet for 7 Wednesdays at 11am-12:30pm Pacific on Zoom (you can watch replays if you aren’t able to join live).
What’s included:
7 weekly live group Zoom meetings and the recordings
20 minute preparatory call with Angela pre-journey
Guided meditation audio to support you daily
Weekly Oracle transmissions for group support and guidance emailed to you between meetings
Opening ceremony and closing ceremony
Offerings to Venus and guided rituals
In-depth learning of The Descent of Inanna
Email support throughout the 40-day journey
1 hour private session with Angela mid-journey for in-depth support of your process (optional)
Ongoing group community support through a non-Facebook platform
*** Our journey commences on May 13th, 2020 when Venus turns retrograde! But you must make your commitment to join by May 8th for adequate time to prepare for your journey. I will be connecting with each of you individually for a 20 minute call to prepare you properly.***
Registration closes May 8th.
The planet needs your light now like no other time. Embody your most radiant light by embracing your shadow and rising up into the truth of your greatest divine power. I hope you join me in this rich journey into the Great Below!
Please share this with anyone you know who is ready for transformation!
Who Is This For?
This journey is open to anyone who is ready to take their life journey to the next levels through dedicated self-work. Open to all genders, all beliefs, all levels of experience with daily practice.
Descent Into Truth is for you if you are:
Ready to help the world crisis by changing your life starting from within.
Feeling fired up to make changes in your life but not sure of the next steps to take.
Ready to take your healing work to new levels.
Ready to expand into the truth of your divinity.
Ready to work with and integrate your shadow.
Complete with keeping yourself small and hidden.
Ready to transmute your fears into fuel for embodying your greatest gifts.
Ready to discover things about yourself that reveal your authentic path.
Ready to be part of the global shift into higher consciousness.
This journey is for you if you are ready for initiation.
There are seven ways to navigate your 40-day Underworld journey by choosing a committed daily practice:
Cleansing/ fasting
Cold showers/ baths
Waking up at 4:30am (or another consistent early time)
Plant-based eating
Combination of the above
For this to work for you in the strongest way, you choose your journey based on what resonates with you and what you know in your heart would be challenging for you to maintain for 40 consecutive days. The intention is to invite the challenge and embrace fears that come along with it for you to become stronger, more resilient, and in your full power. Your daily practice, no matter what it is from the above list, will provide a healing template for deep inner work. For those who aren’t morning people, even something as simple as waking up early consistently for 40 days will prove to be challenging which activates rich inner work, and sets the stage for a transformed life. Choose what makes the most sense for your situation that is realistic, challenging, achievable.
If you regularly practice yoga, 40 days of yoga might not create the strongest template for your transformation. If the thought of taking a cold shower terrifies you on the other hand, that might be the indicator there’s a huge treasure awaiting you within that fear. You also want to avoid taking on something that is beyond your reach- if you’ve never experienced a fast, taking on a 40 day fast might not serve you. (A fast or cleanse can also be gently approached if it calls to you. I can advise you the best ways to do this for your situation). Also, avoid choosing too many commitments from the list. You want to keep it simple, perhaps combining no more than two or three.
I will be connecting with you to talk about your commitment and how to best prepare before we start. It’s up to you to follow your own guidance and intuition on how to navigate your journey. I am here to bring structure and guidance for how to navigate your journey in a safe, expansive way. I have the tools and expertise to support your chosen journey in the best possible way. I personally know the transformative potential each of these practices hold when committed to daily. I am offering structures that ensure your journey into the darkness is fully safe and fully supported by me.
If this offering resonates with you but you are not clear about how to navigate it, email me to set up a time to talk so I can assist you in making that decision.
What is the cost?
Upon registration, you will have the option of two price-points, one includes a private session with me, the other without that option. I want to make this accessible, so payments are an option to help you join the journey in the most financially easeful way.
*** If you are experiencing financial challenges during this time and are called to participate, please contact me and express your interest in joining and we can find a way to make it work for you. ***
For 7 weeks of transformation in a safe, supported sacred container:
3 monthly payments of $164 or one payment of $455 with a 1 hour private session with me mid-journey
3 monthly payments of $122 or one payment of $333 without a private session
May we emerge from the darkness and rise again, re-birthed as bright luminous Morning Stars, empowered with Love for ourselves to share with the world.
What is the relevance of Venus Retrograde?
Venus retrogrades like all the planets do at some point. Venus only goes retrograde every 18 months, so it’s not something we experience frequently. Venus is a planet of love, beauty, money, and what we value.
When Venus retrogrades, we slow down to look within regarding Venusian matters. This year Venus begins her retrograde on May 13th and turns direct on June 24/25th. Her retrograde cycle is a 40 day journey (this year’s cycle technically works out to about 43 days) and her journey is visible in the sky. Before she turns retrograde, she is becoming more and more low on the Western horizon in the evenings, appearing as the Evening Star. Once she’s gone retrograde, she disappears from the night sky. After 40+ days, Venus re-emerges on the Eastern horizon as the Morning Star.
We will be aligning ourselves with Venus’ journey in the sky to come into fuller awareness and understanding of the power of the descent and the power available to us when we are connected and merged with the workings of the planets.
For many years I have consistently worked with the planets for divine structure and support for my processes and can attest to the great power of looking to the rhythms of the sky and the potential it offers for healing, growth, and transformation. Aligning yourself with the cosmos helps to awaken you to the energy available to you and benefit from it in the highest possible way. We are the cosmos, and by consciously working with the planetary energy, we are better able to harness the gifts available to us.
There is a divine purpose to the timing of this Venus Retrograde cycle occurring during this great planetary shift we are currently experiencing. It is a clear invitation for diving deep into into our fears and surrender to the great unknown, to re-emerge transformed with great gifts to share with the world.
Why must we Descend? Shouldn’t we stay in the Light?
To access your greatest light, you must be willing to look at your deepest shadows. The shadows are where great power lies, and while our mind attempts to keep us safe by avoiding the shadow it also keeps us small. If we are brave enough to look into the dark spaces within, we make extraordinary discoveries about ourselves which expands our knowing of the self, and gives us an even greater light to shine in the world with this newfound self-awareness. If we reject or ignore our shadow, we limit the reach of our light. By embracing the descent into the darkness, we ultimately rise up into greater love for ourselves, becoming stronger in our hearts.
The shadow and light work together. This journey is all about bringing you into balance with your shadow and your light. One cannot exist without the other. They each hold great power. By working with your shadow with intention and integrating your shadow self, you access your greatest power. When shadow aspects are judged or denied, they express themselves in unbalanced, unhealthy ways in our lives. The shadow never goes away, it is part of you and needs your love.
Why 40 Days?
By committing daily to this process for 40 days, you are setting yourself up to move through the inevitable discomforts, doubts, fears, and triggers that will arise along the way. These feelings are keys to accessing the treasures hiding in the shadows. Staying the course for 40 days takes you into expansive states and creates permanent change in your life.
There is a divine design to the 40-day cycle. Yogi science and divine intelligence shows that 40 days of exposing ourselves to a repetitive experience impacts us on a cellular level. You can certainly benefit from a daily practice or cleanse for 3 days, 10 days, or 30 days. But by the time you reach 40 days, powerful transformation takes place. Old habits and patterns have fallen away, and new patterns of higher consciousness have been created.
To commit to a 40-day practice instills within you trust, perseverance, and strength by surrendering to the great unknown.
Who is Inanna?
Inanna is the Queen of Heaven and Earth in ancient Sumer who surrenders her life of beauty and luxury to enter the Underworld where she ultimately undergoes a death/rebirth and re-emerges in greater power, wisdom, and truth of who she is. She comes back empowered with greater gifts to share with her people and her land. The Descent of Inanna is part of a hymn carved into clay tablets from around the third millennium BC that is as relevant to our modern day reality as much as it was in ancient times. She is said to be the first recorded goddess in history and hers is the oldest known myth of the descent of the Goddess.
Inanna is a goddess of fertility, love, beauty, and so much more.
Venus is the goddess Inanna in the sky.
Venus’ Retrograde cycle of departing the sky as the Evening Star and vanishing for 40 days is Inanna’s descent into the Underworld. When Venus appears again, she is re-birthed as the Morning Star, shining new light after her journey of transformation.
With Venus/Inanna guiding the way, we too will symbolically descend from the Western horizon, spending 40 days journeying through the Underworld, and then re-emerge with Venus/Inanna on the Eastern horizon initiated into our full Morning Star glory.
What is the intention?
The intention of this offering is to work with the power of the cosmos to help you access your greatest strength, clarity, and power by embracing your fears of the unknown and rising up in your most radiant light.
The intention is to cultivate a rich inner journey that clears away the external noise, chaos, and outside energies to help you find the deep stillness within yourself so that you may discover what is true for you in these changing times.
The intention is to support one another in this work in this new age, for we are not here to do the work alone. Together we learn from one another, we strengthen one another, we create a powerful field of love. By bringing our focus to the shadows within, we are doing the work to bring healing and transformation to the planet starting from within. The work we do for ourselves individually directly benefits the world.
Why Angela is your Qualified guide
I have willingly invited in great transformation by means of Underworld journeys for the last nine years of desert-dwelling. Under the bright light of the desert sun is where I unwittingly came to face my darkest shadows. I have lived Inanna’s descent many times and have greatly valued this myth as a guiding light in the darkest times.
I have extensive experience in all of the ways I’ve presented for choosing your 40-day journey, and can expertly guide your way with my wealth of knowledge on fasting, cleansing, yoga, meditation, cold water immersion, early morning awakening, and plant-based eating. I have personally undergone 40-day spiritual practices countless times over the years, and usually they reach far beyond 40 days once I’ve come to that threshold.
Over the years I have ritually planted myself in the middle of the desert far from home with no food, no water, no phone for five days at a time. I have fasted on liquids for up to four months at a time. I have a committed daily practice that has maintained solidly for many years. I have practiced yoga for over 20 years. I have been vegetarian/vegan for nearly 20 years and experienced eating fully raw vegan for over 2 years. I’ve lived in solitude in a remote desert abode for over nine years, where silence and no distractions have demanded that I awaken to continuous subtle and not so subtle opportunities to dive into my shadow. I have worked with and honored my shadow aspects actively for the last 5 years.
Some of you may know me from my early newsletter days of Cycle of the Moon Cleanse seven years ago. The first heart-based offering I shared with the world was a practice of juice cleansing in accordance with the Moon cycles. I have anchored spiritual practice and healing with planetary cycles for years, and have guided hundreds of people to do the work with me.
My extensive knowledge of astrology, fasting, spiritual practice, Inanna’s myth, and divine surrender have set the foundation for me to be your loving, knowing guide in your own descent.
Descent Into Truth is an offering birthed from my heart, a true expression of my authentic path and a journey I was prepared to do privately on my own with the coming Venus Retrograde. My guidance strongly showed me the great opportunity available to many people with this transit, and that it was my service to create the container to help others make the most of this extraordinary, important cosmic cycle to support our individual transformation that is greatly needed on the planet now.
There is no failing in this journey. Every step of the way is learning. If you’ve missed a day of your 40 day commitment, the next day is new to start fresh again. There is no judgment, no criticism in this container. There is only loving support and encouragement to do your best. Missing a day or skipping it provides rich material for you to sit with in your inner work and can help you strengthen in your journey.
Will you offer this again?
This opportunity to work with Venus Retrograde will not come around again for another 18 months. If you are feeling the call, now is the time to join the journey into the great unknown in a safe, supported sacred container.
I Have Questions About This Journey
Please connect with me and let me know your questions. I’m happy to help you determine if this journey is aligned for you.
Join me in exploring this rich journey where we come together to Descend into Truth, so that we may powerfully Ascend with Divine Light.
May Descent Into Truth inspire you to find your courage during these fragile times, providing the guidance, support, and tools for accessing your divine truth. May your truth be your greatest source of power, protection, and sovereignty. May your truth be a guiding light for your path into the unknown. May your truth shine the light of Love for all the world to receive.
B+W Portrait: Rachael Pony Cassells, Middle Portrait: Elena Ray, Crescent Moon Self-Portrait: Angela de la Agua