MY LIFE IN ceremony

Photo: Jenn Whitney

I live my daily life in ceremony. Ceremony is a way of being, of aligning with the Divine. I find the sacred in the mundane, and see the beauty of all things and all that life is. My natural affinity for creating sacred space in my personal life effortlessly opened up a path for offering ceremony on a larger scale in service to others. 

For me, ceremony is the honoring of life: the shifts, the feelings, the visions, the present. My solitary life in the desert has attuned me to the awareness that every moment can be held in a sacred way, every step and breath taken can be done with intention, with love. In every moment transformation is available and possible if one chooses to work with the moment in an intentional way. Ceremony is where healing and transformation take place by releasing the constructs of reality, and allowing miracles to come forth by merging with the Divine.

The sacred container I create is an intimate expression of my pure heart. All aspects of my ceremonies are authentic to my personal spiritual practice. You can expect to be held in a safe, protected container that radiates with compassion, gentleness, peace, laughter, and divine love. My intention with all ceremony whether it is my own private experience or holding sacred circle with others is that the energy of the ceremony bless all beings present with Divine Love and that it may be a gift for the whole world. 



Paola, center, and myself to her left, assisting her in Cacao Ceremony, 2015.


With my Cacao teacher, Paola, sharing some of my juice medicine with her in Mexico, 2015.


With my Cacao teacher, Gustavo, 2021.


I began working with Sacred Cacao in a ceremonial way in 2014, after experiencing my first Cacao Ceremony with my teacher, Paola I’x of KakawSana. The heart-opening medicine called to me increasingly after that first ceremony, and so I began sitting daily with Cacao for over a year on my own and developed a deeply personal relationship with Cacao Spirit.

Paola and her partner Gustavo have been integral teachers for me on my path with Cacao, and I have spent time with them in Mexico going deep with the plant medicine. While it was never my intention to share ceremony myself, eventually the asking from others wanting to experience the medicine became so strong that with the blessing of my teachers, I officially offered my first Cacao Ceremony in 2015.

Sacred Cacao is a subtle, heart-opening plant medicine that can help bring healing, compassion, and truth to one’s life. Cacao teaches how to love ourselves more, helping us to love those in our lives more, and bring more love into the world. Cacao helps us to shine our most radiant light in the world, benefiting our relationships, our work, our service, our purpose, and helps to anchor love on the planet that is greatly needed now.

It is a great honor for me to share Cacao with others, and I am deeply grateful to the Mayans and all indigenous ones who have carried this medicine before me for making this path possible, and for giving permission for these sacred ceremonies to be shared with the world.

Locally, I offer Cacao Ceremony for my Joshua Tree community and private groups. Please sign up for my mailing list for invites to my public ceremonies, or contact me if you’d like to inquire about hosting a private ceremony and blessing your space with radiant love.

The three sacred cacao ceremonies Angela led that I participated in were nothing less than life changing events for me. Angela is truly a gifted priestess on the planet at this time. She creates a safe, open portal for divine guidance and healing to come in. During the ceremonies I was part of, the field she created allowed me to open up to profound levels of divinely inspired information for myself and others. Having studied and lived the path of the Holy Woman with such dedication, Angela has become a gifted ritual leader and Oracle of sacred wisdom.
— Marguerite Rigoglioso, Ph.D. Founding Director,



If you have a vision for a ceremony to honor something special in your life, I am naturally attuned for creating a sacred container that will call forth divine energies to support your vision. This may be honoring a special time of transition in your life, setting a significant intention, or birthing a new project into the world. I can be trusted with your vision to create a ceremony that is of the highest integrity and divinity for you, so that you may receive abundant blessings for your life.

In particular, I am also available to create ceremony to honor these important passages in one’s life:

  • The birth of a child

  • The sacred union of two people in love

  • The parting of two people as they continue on their paths separately

I offer Baby Blessings, Marriage Blessings, and am ordained to join two people together in legal marriage.

Please connect with me for inquiries and rates.

Angela inspires me to imagine a different way of being in this world. Her presence in our community is one of healing and radiant love. After ceremony with Angela, I have felt subtle shifts in my thinking and connections with others and our earth. Everything she touches vibrates with vitality.
— Adriene Jenik, high desert resident and artist/educator

Photo: Jenn Whitney
Angela is both a mystic and an alchemist. Her knowledge is like the deep blue sea... beautiful, courageous and expansive. Angela continues to grow, quietly shaping her world around her like the ancient ones building blocks one by one into her own temple. The sounds of her voice, her deep rich laugh, and the space that she holds is profound...
— Mikki Sage, writer,, IG @sagelove



Do you only offer Cacao Ceremonies?

Not at all! In addition to Cacao Ceremony, I also have offered Fire Ceremony, Wedding Ceremony, Baby Blessings, Marriage Blessings, House/Land Blessings, Uncoupling Ceremony and custom created ceremony for very specific intentions. Cacao Medicine may be incorporated into any ceremonial experience to expand the heart-open state and enhance alignment with divine energy, but if Cacao doesn’t call to you that’s totally okay.

Do you only offer ceremonies on a New Moon or Full Moon?

While my local community ceremony offerings are anchored to the New and Full Moons, ceremony can be created on any day to receive and anchor divine energy and blessings.

Do the ceremonies only take place in Joshua Tree, or can you travel?

I always welcome the opportunity to travel to other places to share ceremony! Travel fees would be incorporated to the exchange and housing may be required depending on the circumstances. If my schedule allows for it, I’d so enjoy the experience of bringing ceremony to your special place.

Otherwise, Joshua Tree is my home base for ceremonies, and if you don’t have your own location to host a ceremony in the desert, my desert temple home and land is always an option.

Why would I want to have a ceremony?

Ceremony is a sacred container for you to receive divine blessings, healing energy, loving support, and higher guidance. If there is a significant shift in your life, it is a powerful way to come into full presence with the change and honor the passage, whatever it may be. It is a powerful way to set intentions and release old energy, supported by the power of the sacred container.

Ceremony is a way of remembering your truth, of honoring ancestors, and the sacred life path. Ceremony helps you to connect with the Divine energy that you carry within yourself, and is in all aspects of life. We easily forget the connection to the Sacred, so by taking time to create ceremony, you receive the valuable reminder and empowerment of your connection to all that is Divine.

Especially so, ceremony is an anchoring of Divine Love that benefits all people present and becomes a transmission of blessed loving energy for the world.

Can you create a specific ceremony for my unique situation?

Absolutely. It’s my greatest joy to create unique ceremonies to serve your vision and intention. I am incredibly inspired by the individual requests that people have for ceremony and love the ways in which these sacred containers are birthed. I am open to hearing about any intention or vision for your ceremony!

Do I need to have a big group of people to have a ceremony?

Not at all. They can include however many people you’d like, no number of participants is too small or big. If you are feeling resonance with having a ceremony under my guidance and want it to be personal and private for just you, it can simply be just the two of us.

Can I experience a private ceremony remotely, or does I need to be in person with you?

If you are feeling a strong call for a ceremony and it’s not possible to connect with me in person, we can certainly create a remote ceremony and connect via Zoom video conferencing. Divine energy will be present and powerful whether we are physically together or at a distance. Many people (including myself) have experienced incredibly powerful transmissions of huge healing energy and divine presence in remote ceremonies!

Can you share a ceremony as part of the retreat I'm holding? 

Yes indeed! I'm always happy to enter an already-established container and expand upon the retreat experience with a private ceremony for your group.

What are your rates for private ceremonies?

The exchange for my private Cacao or custom ceremony offerings varies depending on the unique situation. If you are curious to know more, please reach out and inquire with your vision for a private ceremony, and we will get the conversation started for creating a powerful, sacred experience for you and your loved ones.